We are happy to announce that our landing page is ready to launch. We would like to invite all of you to join our Muzible community. Our platform will be the first Music NFT Generator & Marketplace. What we are working on for the past six months is something really huge.
Our aim is to revolutionize global music industry and make it fair for the artists! This project will offer real solution for the music industry and music consumers. Digitization of music is already a reality, now the key is to find the best way for its distribution. NFT albums and Blockchain based prove of ownership will revolutionize the concept of music distribution and ownership.
If you would like to get in touch, become a part of our community or ask a question join our Telegram @muzible_com or e-mail us on contact@mrtoken.io
We would also like to extend our gratitude to our community and all associates that supported us in this endeavor!